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The Derksen-Wiens Family

This memorial is dedicated to
All of those in the Derksen Clan
who have gone before us
to their eternal rest

May all of us children, grandchildren and great grandchildren carry the torch that is now ours to carry and be faithful to Our God.

"May all who come behind us find us faithful."

O God, you have helped me from my earliest childhood - and I have constantly testified to others of the wonderful things you do. And now that I am old and gray, don't forsake me. Give me time to tell this new generation (and their children too) about all your mighty miracles. Ps. 71: 17-18 TLB


In attempting to put this project together - looking at all the potential people involved, the list of name of people was daunting. It would truly be impossible to edit and compile such a memorial without the help of all the families involved in the Derksen Clan. To the many of you that contributed, I express my heartfelt appreciation. Many special thanks also go to Julie Neufeld - for all of her hard work. If she had not kept the genealogy up to date, this memorial would be impossible. Thank you Julia!

An extra special thanks goes to Julia for volunteering to proof read all of the stories that go into this massive memorial. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. It looks so much better now.

A very special thanks goes to my husband, Phillip, who has been very patient during the birthing, typing and editing process that this memorial has taken. He has also on my whim accomplished the painting of the cover of this memorial depicting of what Heaven may look like. Thank you, Phil for the use of your talents and imagination.

While some people may think of death as morbid, it is but a passing from one room to the next. As long as there are people living on the earth or until the Lord returns for his own children, this project will never ever be complete. With this in mind, this memorial is set up in such a way that it can be continually added to in the years to come or as long as there is interest.

It is my hope that generations to come will come to appreciate the sacrifices and contributions to life that their ancestors have made to make their lives better as well as gain a better understanding of their roots. In doing this project, it has been an eye-opening experience as well as overwhelming at times to take on and complete such a huge endeavor. I have learned much about this side of my family - of its struggles, sorrows and joys. It is with this in mind that I hope that you will learn to appreciate your family in a new light all over again and perhaps pass some of their strengths to the next generation.

Naomi Kapplehoff



At some of the memorials that I have attended, a phrase "though he is dead he still speaks" used. I first heard this phrase at my father's funeral as a young child in 1961. At a family gathering in Borden, Sask. to honor the birthday of my grandmother, my father sang a song for her, which was later played back at his own memorial. This is what I thought that phrase meant at that time.

I now understand this to mean that even when we have gone to our eternal rest, we still have a lasting effect on those around us - positive or negative. What we do in our earthly life will have an influence on generations to come. This becomes part of the legacy that we leave our children and grandchildren.

In putting together this memorial, a letter was sent to me that Marjorie Nickel Wheeler had written. Knowing that she did not have much time left on earth, she wrote this letter to convince people of the merits - that even in the midst of her suffering (cancer), God was still in control. With the blessing and permission of her husband, Mike Wheeler, I will let her letter speak for itself.

Dear Friends:

"Thanks be to God who always leads us in His triumph in Christ and manifests through us the sweet aroma of the knowledge of him in every place." 2 Cor. 2:14. All the way my Savior leads me, what have I to ask beside? Can I doubt His tender mercy who through life has been my Guide? Heavenly peace, divinest comfort, here by faith in Him to dwell. For I know what'ere befall me, Jesus doeth all things well.

Yes, Jesus has led me all the way and He has been so good and so faithful. "What though the pathway be lonely, and dark the shadows fall. I know where'er it leadeth my Father planned it all. I'll sing through the shade and the sunshine. I'll trust Him whatever befall. I sing for I cannot be silent. My Father planned it all."

God is in control, my dear friends. Nothing passes His notice. Continue to trust Him. You can trust His heart. He loves us all so much. I have not wanted to say good-bye to you all, but I will go His way. I have given my life to Him to do with as He pleases. Believe my dear friends that He has our best I mind. I love you all so much and would so like to stay, but I will wait for you now in heaven. God has indeed blessed my life with so many dear, dear friends. Who could have ever imagined all the good things you have done for me and my family - all the blessings of love and friendship. My life has been rich indeed.

For those of you who do have not yet trusted the Lord or perhaps have turned your back for a time, He has made us His ambassadors of reconciliation. This is my last opportunity to plead with you - be reconciled to God! Is there some sin you are guarding or hiding?

Turn from it and be reconciled to God. Is there someone with whom you are angry or bitter? Turn to God and forgive them. Be reconciled. It is not too late. It is the right thing to do and your heard will rejoice in being at peace with God. He is our Hope and our Joy and our Comfort. Jesus says, "Turn to Me all who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me for I am gentle and humble of heart and you shall find rest for your souls." Matthew 11

I have known that to be true in my life and I pray that you will turn to God and know it to be true in yours as well. I've gone on a journey and I'm waiting for you in heaven. Live in such a way that you may win. Don't allow Satan to turn you away from knowing the true God in a personal way. God will be with you and He will take care of you. His plan is perfect and it is for your good. You may not see it now, but you will understand when we see Him.

I love you all. Please watch out for my family. God will take care of you my dear ones. Hope in God. Trust Him. He will be your comfort and your guide. He will be your tower of strength. He will care for you. He will keep you. He will not slumber nor sleep. God's grace is sufficient.

Still trusting,
October 4, 2003

Author Unknown

You're gone but not forgotten
Never shall your memory fade
Sweetest thoughts shall ever linger
Round the grave where you were laid

A bitter cup a shock severe
To part with you we loved so dear
But trust in God, we'll meet again

Sleep on, dear one, take thy rest
Your pain is gone, that's the best
God took you home, it was his will
But in our heart you're living still

But again, sometime, dear one,
When our days of life are fled
In Heaven we will meet you
Where no farewell tears are shed

Days of Darkness still come over us
Years of sorrow will silently flow
But fond memory keeps you near us.
Tho Heaven claimed you,
To be with God high above the earth

The Glory Role Call of the
Gerhard & Anna Derksen Family

Gerhard & Anna Derksen

  • Gerhard Derksen
  • Anna Johann Pankratz Derksen
  1. George Derksen Family
    • George & Maria Derkse
    • George & Justina Siemens Derksen
      • Maria Unger Derksen
      • Melvin Mark Derksen (Infant)
      • George Peter Derksen
      • Esther Bueckert Derksen
      • Roxanne Elizabeth Derksen (Infant)
      • Justina Siemens Derksen
      • Candace Wynne Derksen
      • Adolf Schmidt
      • Henry Paul Derksen
      • Amanda Jane Derksen
      • Janet Rose Derksen Sierink

  2. Justina Bergman Family
    • Justina Derksen & Peter Bergman
      • Alvina Rosie Bergman Thiessen
      • Peter P. Bergman
      • Justina Derksen Bergman
      • Abram Karl Rempel

  3. Anna Block Family
    • Anna Derksen & Peter Rempel
    • Anna Derksen Block Rempel & Henry H. Block
    • Henry H. Block & Elizabeth Froese
      • Peter J. Rempel - Father
      • Tina Block
      • Henry H. Block (17 Year Old Son)
      • Anna Rempel Block - Mother
      • Henry H. Block - Father
      • Peter John Willms
      • Helen Grace Block
      • Jacob Henry Block
      • Phillip Bradley Rempel
      • Rubina Tina Block Sawatzky
      • William Walter Block
      • Menno Rempel
      • Elizabeth Froese Block - Mother
      • Rosie Anna Rempel Nickel
      • Isaac (Ike) Henry Block
             (see also John Derksen family)
      • Marjorie Faye Nickel Wheeler
      • Ashley Candice (Piprell) Blixrud
             (see also John Derksen Family)

  4. John Derksen Family
    • John & Lena Derksen
      • Lena Derksen
      • John J. Derksen
      • Isaac (Ike) Henry Block (husband of Helen Derksen)
      • Ashley Candice (Piprell) Blixrud
             (see also Anna Rempel Family)

  5. Sara Weibe Family
    • Sara Derksen & Paul Wiebe
    • Paul & Sara Balzer Wiebe
      • Sara Derksen Wiebe
      • Paul Wiebe
      • Sara Balzer Wiebe

  6. Elizabeth Willems Family
    • Elizabeth & Isaac Willems
      • Isaac Willems
      • Elizabeth Willems

  7. Margaret Stobbe Family
    • Margaret Derksen & John Stobbe
    • John J. Stobbe & Susie Friesen Stobbe
      • Margaret Stobbe
      • Marjorie Esther Stobbe (1 Year old)
      • Valerie Jaye Stobbe (Infant)
      • Reginald Shawn Stobbe (Infant)
      • Dennis Bergen (Infant)
      • John J. Stobbe
      • Menno John Stobbe
      • Susie Hiebert Friesen Stobbe
      • Natasha Jacqueline Stobbe (Infant)
      • Irvin Edwin Stobbe
      • Clarence Stobbe
      • Henry J. Bergen

  8. Agnes Stobbe Boldt Family
    • Agnes Derksen Stobbe & Jacob Stobbe
    • Agnes Stobbe & Isaac Boldt
      • Miriam Stobbe (Infant)
      • Jacob J. Stobbe
      • Agnes Stobbe Boldt
      • Keith Linden Stobbe (Infant)
      • Isaac Boldt
      • Derek Daniel Stobbe (Infant)
      • Joshua David Bargen (Infant)
      • Desirae Dawn Redekop (Infant)
      • Colson Lloyd Bargen (Infant)
      • Anthony Henry Bargen (Infant)
      • Beverly Justine Rowbotham Stobbe

  9. Tina Peters Family
    • Tina Derksen & Frank Peters
      • Kevin John Peters (Infant)
      • Kyle Frank Peters (Infant)
      • Frank Bernard Peters (Uncle)
      • Dean Murray Peters
      • Jeremy Arthur Peters
      • Tina Derksen Peters

  10. Ella Block Family
    • Ella Derksen & Isaac Block
      • Peter Isaac Block (Infant)
      • Annie Ella Block (Infant)
      • Laurena Katherine Neumann Block
      • Ella Sukkaua Block
      • Katherine (Katie) Ella Willems (Infant)
      • George Sheldon Willems
      • Margaret Thiessen Block
      • Isaac Block (Uncle)
      • Ella Derksen Block
      • Isaac Isaac Block (Son of Isaac & Ella)
      • Rosella Irene Block Willems

  11. Maria Wiens Martens Family
    • Maria Derksen & Peter Wiens
    • Maria Derksen Wiens & Abram Martens
      • Peter Peter Peter Wiens
      • George (Gerhard) Peter Wiens
      • Viola (Vi) Patsy Willms Wiens
      • Abram Martens
      • Sadie Lynn Wiggins (6 Months Old)
      • Maria Georgina Derksen Wiens Martens

  12. Henry Derksen Family
    • Henry & Hulda Derksen
      • Donald Derksen (Infant)
      • Brenda Ann Neufeld Price
      • Henry G. Derksen
      • Doris Derksen Enns - 2004
            (story not available as yet)

  13. Susie Hamm Family
    • Susie Derksen & Jake Hamm
      • Jacob Laurence Hamm

© 2004

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